Friday, May 2, 2008

Journal #20

Manners are extremely important in Korea. They are handed down from generation to generation since a period of Jo-Seon starting about 500 years ago. There are several unacceptable behaviors in Korea. First of all, Korea has unique table manners when we dine with elderly people. When we are having a meal with the elderly, young people don’t have their meals after elders take a bite of their meals, that is, we had to wait until adults started eating. Therefore, when you have meals with Korean families if you eat your meal before elders, you will be treated as a rude person. Secondly, when young people meet elders, young people should bow their heads to elders. Also, we use honorific language to elders to show respects. Koreans consider them a matter of consequence. Accordingly, if you don’t bow and use honorific language when you meet older people in Korea, they will think you are impolite. Finally, young people should yield their seats when elders get on a subway or bus. When elder people ride a bus or subway, usually young people leave their seats out because they think that the seats are for elders and weak people. So that when elders get on a public transportation, if you don’t yield your seat, you will become the focus of criticism. These things are unacceptable behaviors in Korea. Due to such manners, you should learn them before you go to Korea.

Friday, April 11, 2008

Journal #19

There are many leisure time activities in the world to suit every kind of taste of taste and desire. My favorite leisure activity is traveling. I have traveled America, Canada, Australia, Italy, Turkey, and Greece. I have been to abroad once a year as an average since I was 20 years old. The country that I like the most among these countries is Italy because the country has a lot of great places to visit as a tourist. There are a few famous cities in Italy. Rome, the city of relic itself and also the great museum, calls travelers all over the world maintaining the history of two thousand years. The arcane harmony of cultural heritages crossing each historical era is lying in the city of history. Beside Rome, there are cities filled with beauty such as Vatican, Napoli, Pompeii, Cafri, Firenze, Pisa, Milano, Venezia and Verona. I took a great pleasure when I went to Italy in 2004 with my family. So I want to recommend you to visit Italy and see all the beauty. And If I have time, I want to travel Asian countries such as Japan, China, Taiwan, Thai, and Vietnam because I have never been to visited Asian countries.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Journal #18

Before I went to Boston for my spring break, I had many plans to do. I was going to move to eastern part especially New York or Boston after this semester because I have already been in California for a year, and I am very curious about life in eastern part. So I planned to go to house hunting and to seek my new language school when I go to Boston. But, actually I visited only one apartment and I didn’t get around finding other apartments and schools. When I arrived in Boston last Tuesday, my heart was throbbing with expectation. As soon as I arrived, I met my friend and her boyfriend at the airport. While I was going to have a dinner with them, I looked around the Boston city as a visitor. And I was happy to see lots of buildings of European style. But I can feel that there are not many activities that I can enjoy. Boston is very quiet and peaceful place. It might be helpful my study, but I expected more active things than Boston has. So, I didn’t walk around to seek my new apartment and school and I just enjoyed as a visitor. Of course, I had a very good time in Boston with my friend; however, I decided that I will go to New York for my summer.

Monday, March 31, 2008

Journal #17

If a foreign visitor has only one day to spend in Korea, this visitor should go to the Gyeong-Bok palace and In-Sa Dong on that day. The reason I recommend the Gyeong-Bok palace is that it is a historical site representing the old Korean culture. And the visitor can enjoy its architectural beauty which is delicately harmonized with nature. The visitor can enjoy its beauty at any season of the year. Next, I would like to introduce In-Sa Dong. In this place, there are numerous numbers of Korean traditional tea cafes and views which provide ideas of what Korean cultures are like. And I recommend In-Sa Dong for visitor to take many photos as he or she can see some beautiful flowers and buildings everywhere in this area. After the view, the visitor can go to the Korean traditional restaurant, so he or she can experience many different types of Korean traditional dishes. And then the visitor can have a traditional Korean tea at one of the Korean traditional tea cafes. For these reasons, I would like to recommend the Gyeong-Bok palace and In-Sa Dong for the visitor. I wish that the visitor will be impressed about these places.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Journal #16

For keeping up my English practice during the spring break, I think that using English is the best strategy. First of all, speaking is the hardest part of practice English for me. I guess I am an introvert person when I speak in English. Therefore, speaking English is pretty difficult to me. However, I will practice speaking more and more until I speak English fluently as well as during the spring break. In order to speak English well, I will try to talk with many people in English and listen to people’s talking wherever I may go. Next, I will write my Journals during the spring break. Although I am going to Boston next whole week to see my friend, I will try to sit down for at least two hours during the week to write my journals. I think that it will help me to think in English. These are my strategies for spring break. And I hope that all of us will have a nice spring break.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Journal #15

I am going to Boston from next Tuesday to Sunday for spring break. In Boston, my friend whose name is Soo-Na is studying, and she was my high school classmate. Even though we had a friendly relation when we were high school students, we decided on the different course to take after complete the high school course. I entered a university in Korea, but she decided to study in America. So, we haven’t seen each other for 5 years. As soon as I graduated from my university, I came to America to study English. Although we are in America, she is studying in Boston, and I am living in California. So, we couldn’t see each other. That is why I decided to go to Boston to meet her for my spring break. And I have another purpose to go to Boston this time. I have plans for this summer. After this spring semester in ALP, I am going to move to the eastern part. I haven’t decided yet the specific city that I will stay, but I might go to New York or Boston. I want to go to the eastern part not only to improve my English, but also to have personal experiences. Therefore, I am going to Boston to make a one-the-spot survey before I move to the eastern part. During my Boston trip, I am going to look around at the language schools and apartments with her. I hope that this trip will serve a double purpose.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Journal #14

I had lived in Seoul, South Korea for 23 years before I came to America. And I didn't have any difficulties fitting in growing up as a Korean. My Country remarkably focuses on educating its children. Korean families make extraordinary sacrifices to ensure their children are well-schooled, often sending their children abroad while the parents remain behind to provide for their education. That is why a lot of Korean students have been in the United States and other foreign countries. My sister and I also are influenced by such Korean culture. My sister had studied in the United States for 10 years, and she graduated from the university in America. Even though I graduated from the university in Korea, I am in America now for improving my English. Therefore, my father has supported our education expenses for more than 10 years. But he has had nothing to complain of it; rather he thinks that it is an inevitable duty as a father. So, now I can study English in the United States, and I am a happy Korean daughter.